Saturday, 25 May 2013


As you may or may not know, we potatoes enjoy getting fancied up, especially on special occasions like the birth of a potato or when we go on a date with a lovely tomato;) We make our own clothes from whatever we can find, such as leaves, cotton, and dandelions, so we really put effort into it so that we can look real good. Our clothing designs are all inspired by what humans wear because even though some can be cruel, they have a great sense in fashion.

Here are some of the hottest clothing of the season:

Potatoes are pretty amazing don't you think? They look good with or without these extra accessories! Do you agree?Do potatoes dress well or should potatoes hire another creature to make their clothing? Or should potatoes just forget about all this?

As a side note...from now on we will only be posting on Fridays. This is due to the fact we are drowning in projects and homework as the year is ending. That plus we usually forget to post. We are sorry you wont hear from us as often but hey, we arent going too far. 

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Home is Where the War is

Watching T.V. and seeing all these vegetable commercials made me think of the history of our homeland and its struggles. The commercials made me realize that its not so bad being a half potato half human because I can choose where I want to live. I can choose live in a house without getting eaten and I can choose to live underground without scaring other potatoes. 

Potatoes get scared of outsiders very easily which is why they're very protective of their homes. This is because long ago the war between the potatoes and carrots started. There are many reasons for the war, one of the reasons being that both the potatoes and carrots wanted to have the biggest homes in the farm so they fought each other for it. In order to think of new ways to defeat each other they both thought of making plans underground. This just strengthened their hatred towards each other because they both thought that the other was copying their idea. No one really knows who thought of living underground first. No one wanted to live above ground again because they became so attached to their new homes since it gave them more privacy and they wouldn't get fried because they aren't under direct sunlight.  Until now, both potatoes and carrots live underground and refuse to leave. There is a great tension between them so I'm really glad that I live above ground because if not, the carrots might attack me since I look like a full human who is taking up a lot of the underground living space that could be theirs.

So as you can see, vegetable commercials really makes someone think about life. They made me think of potatoes which then made me think of farms which then made me think of the homes of potatoes, leading to me thinking about a bit of potato history. Wow! These commercials sure are powerful! 

Long live the potatoes! 

Thursday, 16 May 2013


We're truly sorry if our title made us seem like extreme fanpotatoes...But I guess we are extreme fanpotatoes...Please don't change your views on us...Anyway, we both know you're also a secret extreme fan-insert your species type here-...

Okaaaay moving on... GUESS WHAT?? WE MET POTINA ATATO!!!!!!! Isn't that great?! You're probably filled with an overflowing amount of jealousy aren't you? Why wouldn't you be? We met a super rich and super famous potato! If you don't know her then you should know that Potina Atato is an opera singer. She's been singing for years, so most potatoes are familiar with her. She's also the role model of many young potatoes because she's a well balanced and generous potato- she has many concerts where all money collected is donated to charities for different creatures like cheese, tomatoes, and lettuces!

We really enjoyed meeting Potina Atato. She was really down to Earth.  She gave us some tips on opera singing and even let us tour her car! 

If you ever have the chance to meet her or have already met her, tell us about it! Also, if you want to know more about Ms. Atato, just ask us! We know lots of information about her (we know so much that we were quite afraid that when we met her we would come off as stalkers)! Meanwhile, we'll be out shopping for some Potina-inspired items (sorry we can't help it, we're just too big of a fan)!

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Jokes on you

Yellow peeps! (ha ha see what we did there? No, okay that's cool.)

Today we have decided to make your day the best. Well actually we get guarantee that. Here's a few jokes about potatoes to brighten up your day.
Let's start with the most common one.

Q: Why did the potato cross the road
A: He saw a fork up ahead.

Now onto some other ones. 

Q: Why do potatoes make good detectives? 
A: Because they keep their eyes peeled. 

Q: What do you call a potato that is never motivated, but are content to watch others? 
A: "Speck Tators"! 

Q: What do you call a baby potato?
A: Small fry

Q: What do you say to an angry baked potato?
A: Anything to butter him up

"I yam, what I yam," said the sweet potato.

Q:A skin I have, more eyes than one. I can be very nice when I am done. What am I?
A: A potato

Three girls were on the run from the cops – a red head, a brunette, and a blonde. During the subsequent high speed chase the red head spotted a potato farm and suggested that the girls should hide out there.
Once at the farm all three girls girls climbed into a potato sack. The cops came to the potato farm, looked around, but saw no sign of the girls. The sheriff started kicking potato sacks to see if maybe they were hiding.
The sheriff kicked the bag with the red head in it and she yelped “Bark Bark” so they thought it was a dog. He kicked another sack, this one with the brunette in it, and she said “Meow Meow” so they thought it was a cat. Finally, just as the sheriff was about to give up – he kicked one last bag, with the blonde inside, and heard “POTATO!”

Two little potatoes are standing on the street corner. How can you tell which on is the prostitute?
A: The one with the sticker that says IDAHO

Okay those were bad. Sorry guys. But what can we do?
*We do not take any credit for coming up with these. We found them online.*

For those of you that are a little dirty minded, you might get this one. ;)
A guy and a girl potato chip walks into a nightclub. As they get a table the girl excuses herself to go to the restroom.
As the guy potato chip sits down and begins to order, another girl potato chip asks him…….
“Are you Herrs or are you Frito-Lay?”

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Fun Potato Facts

It's May 8th so...May the fourth be with you times two. Here are eight potato fun facts:

1. For a very short period of time in Alaska, potatoes were more valuable than gold

2. The potato is the very first vegetable to be grown in space

3.  Potatoes were thought to have made childbirth easier

4. The world's largest potato was grown in the UK in 2010, weighing about the same as a newborn baby

5.  A potato is about 80% water and 20% solids

6. Long ago, Europeans did not accept potatoes because they claimed to not have been in the Bible

7. Potatoes have more Potassium than bananas

8. Potatoes have more Vitamin C than oranges

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Once upon an adventure...

So as you probably don't know, we went on an adventure and oh did it ever turn out to be so much more than we expected!
So here's how it started:
Once upon an adventure we decided that it was a beautiful day to go outside and visit the nearest rural area with a potato farm so that we can keep up to date with our fellow potatoes- so I guess you can say that we didn't really plan on going on an adventure. As we were going up the road to the potato farm however, we spotted a very suspicious looking carrot! So of course, we followed him! It was very tiring following him because it meant following him underground (not that we minded it too much, we are potatoes after all), then through several lakes and ponds, and even on random people's rooftops! The worse thing about it though was when the carrot finally reached his destination and we found out that it was just the old factory which was just across the potato farm (wow carrots go through such troubles just to makes sure that they don't have any followers)! The old factory was known to have been closed down several  years ago because they ran out of milk to process. BUT, carrots are really secretly working inside that factory to make chips! Not just any chips! They were making strange and disgusting flavours of potato chips! This was the worst kind of torture! We of course needed to provide proof to send to the other potatoes and we got them but not without putting up a fight with the carrots. We almost got turned into potato-human chips (YUCK! Who would eat that???) so we shared with you one flavour that they made just in case we could not escape. Fortunately, we did escape so now we can tell the other so that it can be stopped! Make sure to tell us if you've encountered any weird potato chip flavours!

Here are some of the many bizarre flavours: