Friday, 24 January 2014


So lately it has been freezing over here. There have been snow storms and ice storms which makes for a really pretty scenery but is a bit of a hassle for many. Some who believes this are those who have to shovel the snow, like humans. Potatoes on the other hand don't really have problems with the snow because humans do all the hard work for them. 

Potatoes see the winter time as magical and full of adventures. When it is summer there's a huge chance of them being cooked way before they prefer because sometimes the heat makes it feel like one inescapable oven. In the winter time they don't have to worry about this. Sometimes gets so cold that they freeze and when they finally thaw it's already been a few weeks or even months since they froze! This is like time travelling because they don't get older since the ice preserved their appearance. Of course, most of the time it doesn't get as cold as that. So to avoid being partially frozen, which is like being paralyzed, they bundle up. They use any clothes they may have, knit scarves, hats, and socks with any material they may have, and they even use the sacks they for racing as blankets. Once they are comfortable with their temperature many like to go out and play. If there ice outside, some like to collect it and use it to decorate their home and some like to make use of its sharpness towards chores. There are also a few who just like to go outside and watch the air as they heavily breathe in and out.

So how does the cold affect you? Tell us through twitter (@cambrielapotato) or through email (!!

Sunday, 19 January 2014

We apologize

Due to the unrealistic amount of studying we must under go there will sadly be no post for this week. We are sorry for the inconvenience.  

Friday, 10 January 2014

Artistic Potatoes

Hey potoatoes & other creatures! Hope all is well. You all survived school and work and all that jazz? Yes? Okay good we got worried for a sec. 

When humans are bored they may do some arts and crafts to entertain themselves. Some are so artistic they just make arts and crafts whenever they can. However have you ever seen potato art? No? Well it's actually quiet a brave thing for potatoes to be come a part of. 

You see some potatoes aren't sent to torture chambers to be made into food. Some are actually used to make crafts. You probably don't understand what we mean, no worries we shall explain. 

Some humans will use toothpicks or other stuff (clay,playdoh, straws,etc) to make sculptures. Adding other foods is common too. Here's an example:

Now some aren't as creative and will make stamps. You cut the potato in half and either hollow out a shape or you make a pop-up one. Next you dip the stamp part into paint or ink and you place on paper to leave the shape, like a stamp. Examples are below. The hollow one first and the pop-up second, all followed by a result of this art.

There's also the obvious art. CULINARY! These artists express potatoes through food. They will make them beautiful food centerpieces or delicious snacks or mouthwatering dinners. Here's a few examples.

Allow your creativity to flow with potatoes. These potatoes are the bravest and are highly honored in Potatoland. Share your creativity with us through email or twitter @cambrielapotato .

Sunday, 5 January 2014

20(doesn't that "0" look like a potato?)14!!


So a few days ago it became the year 2014. The beginning of a new year means many celebrations for many, including potatoes. There are many reasons why potatoes celebrate this day. Some celebrate because they are thankful for still being alive, some celebrate because they see hope, and some just really like to party. Potatoes celebrate on the eve of new year's, through a variety of ways. Many have a HUGE meal with their loved ones. There are many who like to make music out of things they find like cartons and shovels while others like to sing and dance to this music. The younger potatoes tend to play games like sack racing and have snowball fights. There are also many potatoes that like to make their own fireworks by getting paint (or making their own using vegetable/fruit peels and mixing them in water) and throwing it as high up as they can. This tends to be a really noisy time but humans celebrate at this time too so they don't mind. By the time new year's day comes, potatoes are usually really tires and spend the rest of the day being couch potatoes. 

How about you? How did you spend new year's day? Anyways, we hope that you remember that YOU ARE ALL LOVELY AND WE HOPE THAT YOUR NEW YEAR IS AS LOVELY AS YOU.