Hello there potatoes!
Remember King Poh-tah-toh? Well if you don't, he happens to be our pet horse. We haven't really talked about him so I guess it's time you get to know about hid highness.
Here's his bio which we found on a potato website and it's really accurate so we're a bit scared for King Poh-tah-toh's life since he obviously has a stalker:
Name: King Poh-tah-toh
Species: Half potato-Half horse
Birthday: February 30th (yes, there's no more February 30th so as you can see, he's really old but he has a secret potato super power that makes him look young)
Favourite colour: Brown
Favourite food: Frozen yogurt
Favourite Quote: "Neigh neigh potaneigh toneigh" -himself
Likes: Potato-loving creatures
Dislikes: Potato-hating creatures
Bestfriends: Camille, Gabriela, and a sock puppet named Steve
Enemies: No one because hate makes the world an unhappy place
Hobbies: Taking long runs on the farm, protecting the potatoes, dancing to potato songs (see "Jamming to potatoes" for more information), bathing using his favourite shampoo which is:
Yay you now know more about our pet horse King Poh-tah-toh!!!!!!!! We'd love to know about your pets so introduce them to us :D