Saturday, 16 March 2013

Potato-istic classes

You know how humans are divides into social classes? Well, potatoes have those too. There are also upper, middle, and lower classes of potatoes. We are going to tell you about these in hopes that you will be more informed about the lives of potatoes.

Upper Class Potatoes:
These potatoes are the most elegant and sophisticated potatoes that you will ever meet. They are raised in private farms with rich soil and are cared of using only the best and most expensive machinery. These upper class potatoes are sold for a very high price and you will never see a bruise on them for they are of such high quality that they are made sure to be perfect.

Middle Class Potatoes:
These potatoes are your average potatoes. They are frequently used in fast food restaurants and are the most commonly bought potatoes for they are of decent quality and of reasonable price. Most potatoes fit in under this class.

Lower Class Potatoes:
There are very, very few of these kinds of potatoes. They are usually rotten, bruised, and ignored or even worse, thrown away by humans. These are the potatoes that did not receive enough nutrients while growing up because the humans did not take enough time to notice and care for them or the other potatoes stole nutrients away from them (aka the rebels). They have tried to raise awareness for potato equality but unfortunately, there are so little of them that even other potatoes disregard them.

We hope that you are able to relate and even grow closer to the potatoes.

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