We did post on Sunday, but on the wrong blob. Here it is :]
Monday, 29 April 2013
Thursday, 25 April 2013
Jamming to potatoes
We still can't find a reason to why we keep missing our Wednesday posts. This is quiet upsetting, we feel as if we are letting you down. To make it up to you we have added a special "part" to this blob. You'll have to see what it is at the end, we won't say anything.
Alright, let's get this show on the road.
There are many shows that have a potato as their star. Well, they aren't the main star but they are in an episode or two. For example in the Wiggles (a very popular show when we were younger) made a whole song about potatoes. (They are quiet the singers might we add.) Anyways we shall provide the link below. You may have heard of this song. It's called Hot Potato. To be honest, I (not saying who) still know the dance and lyrics to this song to this day. Yeah, I was a big fan of the Wiggles.
Hot Potato
Continuing on. Another show they were on was some random one we found on YouTube. Anyways the video was called Small Potatoes - Imagination. We're not quiet sure what that was about but we decided to include it anyways. (We must say that the beginning was quiet catchy.) The link will also be below. Hopefully you enjoy that.
Small Potatoes
As you can see potatoes are huge in the music and tv industry. They make songs and appear in tv shows (and in blobs). Sadly not many people appreciate potatoes and their hard work. On the bright side, potatoes enjoy staring in shows and songs even if they aren't acknowledged. To them it's all fun and games (until someone gets eaten).
Hopefully we remember to post on the weekend. But to make it up to you for missing Wednesday, here's a bonus clip.
All bolded words/titles do not belong to us. Copyright of whoever runs them and created them. We just run a blob and used the videos (links) and names as references. Thank you, enjoy your day.
Alright, let's get this show on the road.
There are many shows that have a potato as their star. Well, they aren't the main star but they are in an episode or two. For example in the Wiggles (a very popular show when we were younger) made a whole song about potatoes. (They are quiet the singers might we add.) Anyways we shall provide the link below. You may have heard of this song. It's called Hot Potato. To be honest, I (not saying who) still know the dance and lyrics to this song to this day. Yeah, I was a big fan of the Wiggles.
Hot Potato
Continuing on. Another show they were on was some random one we found on YouTube. Anyways the video was called Small Potatoes - Imagination. We're not quiet sure what that was about but we decided to include it anyways. (We must say that the beginning was quiet catchy.) The link will also be below. Hopefully you enjoy that.
Small Potatoes
As you can see potatoes are huge in the music and tv industry. They make songs and appear in tv shows (and in blobs). Sadly not many people appreciate potatoes and their hard work. On the bright side, potatoes enjoy staring in shows and songs even if they aren't acknowledged. To them it's all fun and games (until someone gets eaten).
Hopefully we remember to post on the weekend. But to make it up to you for missing Wednesday, here's a bonus clip.
All bolded words/titles do not belong to us. Copyright of whoever runs them and created them. We just run a blob and used the videos (links) and names as references. Thank you, enjoy your day.
Monday, 22 April 2013
It's a love story
We are truly sorry for the delay but we were caught up in some... ummm ... *cough*romantic*cough* business. Like everyone potatoes also fall in love. Lucky for us we have found our true love, our soul mate, or whatever you humans call them.
Our story begins like this.....
A couple hundred years ago a potato rolled up around the farmland. He came upon a garden. There he saw the most beautiful food he ever saw. A tomato. They instantly fell in love. However they weren't allowed to be together because the potato belonged to the vegetable colony and the tomato was part of the fruit kingdom. It was forbidden for the two to be in love or even know each other (kind of like Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare).
The potato kept meeting up with the tomato. Than one day when the potato went to visit the tomato he discovered that she was gone. Heartbroken, the potato went to the part of the vegetable colony that was to be harvested to commit suicide.
A few days later at McDonalds a human came and ordered fries. The fries were the potato. He had undergone torture and surgery. He was going to end his life today. The human took his fries and went to another counter, there he covered his fries with ketchup. Now ketchup was the tomato that was forced into surgery and tortured for trying to rebel against the human and factory.
Once squirted onto the fries, they rediscovered themselves and spent the last few seconds of their lives happily together. They only had until the human ate them.
A carrot saw this happen and hated the potato for taking his love away from him. So he cursed the potato to forever only love the tomato. The potatoes are cursed to always fall in love with a tomato.
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Cloudy With A Chance of Poil
If you are here in Potatoworld please expect the rest of the week to be fairly cloudy and please prepare your under underground shelter because you can surely expect some poil (potato hail). We all know that when the weather has mood swings and is continually changing from a sunny morning to a stormy afternoon, many potatoes go insane. Potatoes going insane is a bad, bad thing (despite the fact that it's really funny) because potatoes sometimes get a weird urge to launch themselves up to outer space and they stay there for a few hours until they all come charging back down, causing a poil. This means that random potatoes will be attacked and injured, so we suggest that all you potatoes go to your under underground shelters for the rest of the week when the weather is still strange so that you will stay safe and so that you will not be needing a burial (which isn't like a human burial, just in case you other creatures who read this don't know) any time soon.We potatoes prefer consistent weather that is not out of pattern so any slight changes will cause poil, so we apologize because it is quite hard to control ourselves- the only way to kind of contain ourselves from causing poil is by going to under underground shelters so that we will not really be affected by the weather but since we don't have a way of finding out the future weather (unless we are one of the higher classed potatoes who can do things like check the internet like you are now or unless we were born gifted and are psychic) it is hard to prepare and avoid going insane.
Also expect cooler winds going at the speed of 40km/h and occasional flower petal showers.
...and that concludes our weather report! Stay tuned for more details!
Saturday, 13 April 2013
THE question
Gimme a P! P!
Gimme an O! O!
Gimme a T! T!
Gimme an A! A!
Gimme a T! T!
Gimme an O! O!
What does that spell?
POTATO!!! Woooooh!!
Well that was exciting. How are you our fellow potatoes and humans or whatever you may be? We are doing great.
Today as a was sitting on my bed, staring at my wall, a question came to me and made me think. This question was:
If a potato's skin is peeped, does that mean it's naked?
The answer to that question is no. Think about it. If you shave off the skin you get the inside of the potato. It's kind of like if humans (we aren't fully human so this doesn't really apply to us) were to skin themselves they would get their insides showing. Potatoes enjoy walking around with no clothes. Don't worry we prefer to wear clothes!
Please don't feel awkward around potatoes now that you know this. Keep treating them the same as you did before. Hopefully this didn't make it too awkward for you.
Gimme an O! O!
Gimme a T! T!
Gimme an A! A!
Gimme a T! T!
Gimme an O! O!
What does that spell?
POTATO!!! Woooooh!!
Well that was exciting. How are you our fellow potatoes and humans or whatever you may be? We are doing great.
Today as a was sitting on my bed, staring at my wall, a question came to me and made me think. This question was:
If a potato's skin is peeped, does that mean it's naked?
The answer to that question is no. Think about it. If you shave off the skin you get the inside of the potato. It's kind of like if humans (we aren't fully human so this doesn't really apply to us) were to skin themselves they would get their insides showing. Potatoes enjoy walking around with no clothes. Don't worry we prefer to wear clothes!
Please don't feel awkward around potatoes now that you know this. Keep treating them the same as you did before. Hopefully this didn't make it too awkward for you.
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Don't you just hate it when you get sick? Why am I even asking you this? Of course you do! It's one of the worst feelings in the world! Having to do nothing but rest and eat all the same foods that are apparently supposed to help cure you is just tiresome! But, if you think about it, being sick with the flu or having a sore throat as a human is a whole lot better than being a sick potato.
Why? Well, about 99% of the time potatoes get sick they end up rotting (a form of potato death). Bugs and worms, and events like droughts, floods, and human beings who like to play "hot potato" are very common reasons for the death of a potato. A rare reason for potato death is because other vegetables sabotaged their growth when they were still a little, helpless baby. Even carrots wouldn't take it that far! But, when potatoes are affected by these, you can usually tell that the potato is just on the first stage of death when the potato is softer and mushier than usual. After a couple of days the potato will worsen and turn different colours, first green, then brown, then finally, black. Once the potato is black you know that it is no good to eat and will soon decompose (but even at this time the potato is useful because it can be used as a great fertilizer). But of course, many potatoes do survive these happenings because we potatoes are strong fighters! There are also some potatoes who survive because of special chemicals that humans use on them, but this is quite rare for most humans just let them die off. As you can see, it's a good thing we're half humans-half potatoes because we experience the same effects of bacterias and viruses like human beings!
Until next time! Take care of yourselves so that you wont be ill!
Saturday, 6 April 2013
Start the superman theme song
Guys, we can't keep this a secret from you anymore. What we are about to tell you is huge. Brace yourselves. Okay ready? *deep breathe* Potatoes are really superheroes. *Plugs ears* You may scream now. Oh you're not going to. Okay. *removes hands* We will tell you the whole story too.
So a long time ago, when the first potato was born, around the dinosaur age. It lived happily and peacefully. One day a meteor hit the Earth! The radiation from that flaming rock hit the potato, changing it's DNA. Now the potato has powers. Here's just a few...
You can cut, mash, skin, boil, etc and the potato will adapt to these factors. You can't kill them so they help you.
This is probably their best power. This power comes in 2 steps. First the potato will change and once it enters your stomach it changes back into a whole potato, with a cape and everything. It fights off its villain HUNGRY HIPPO and makes you feel full. Pretty cool if you ask me.
When it comes to hiding from evil and enforcing surprise attacks, potatoes are the most skilled. They easily blend in with their surroundings and always succeed with their attacks. Their brown colour helps hide them in the dirt, boxes and dark places. (There might be a potato watching you now and you wouldn't know).
If you ever have no power, don't get scared just use a potato. If you stick the plug into a potato it will provide power to whatever device you are using. This is the potatoes weakest power because when they over use this power they end up cooking themselves and go through a forced change which they can't undo.
Trapped in a room? No problem. A potato will help you. Take the potato and either:
A) Throw it at a window and the window will burst
B) Throw it at your captors. They will fall unconscious.
C) Throw it at the door/wall the break them so you can escape.
However before throwing make sure the potato is fully rested and fed. They don't work well when tired and hungry. Also they won't work well under pressure. So be careful.
Those are some of the many powers of a potato. I suggest you be careful. Potatoes are very sneaky and they could be pulling an Edward Cullen and watching you sleep. (In case you don't know what pulling an Edward Cullen is, it's when you are a sparkly being and you creep into people's houses and watch them sleep. Potatoes do this but they don't sparkle unless they apply the body mist.)
We are sorry we couldn't keep our mouths shut. We tried, we really did. But we couldn't keep it in any longer. Don't treat the potatoes any differently or else they'll know we told you. We weren't suppose to tell anyone. If you get in trouble with the potatoes we are so sorry.
So a long time ago, when the first potato was born, around the dinosaur age. It lived happily and peacefully. One day a meteor hit the Earth! The radiation from that flaming rock hit the potato, changing it's DNA. Now the potato has powers. Here's just a few...
You can cut, mash, skin, boil, etc and the potato will adapt to these factors. You can't kill them so they help you.
This is probably their best power. This power comes in 2 steps. First the potato will change and once it enters your stomach it changes back into a whole potato, with a cape and everything. It fights off its villain HUNGRY HIPPO and makes you feel full. Pretty cool if you ask me.
When it comes to hiding from evil and enforcing surprise attacks, potatoes are the most skilled. They easily blend in with their surroundings and always succeed with their attacks. Their brown colour helps hide them in the dirt, boxes and dark places. (There might be a potato watching you now and you wouldn't know).
If you ever have no power, don't get scared just use a potato. If you stick the plug into a potato it will provide power to whatever device you are using. This is the potatoes weakest power because when they over use this power they end up cooking themselves and go through a forced change which they can't undo.
Trapped in a room? No problem. A potato will help you. Take the potato and either:
A) Throw it at a window and the window will burst
B) Throw it at your captors. They will fall unconscious.
C) Throw it at the door/wall the break them so you can escape.
However before throwing make sure the potato is fully rested and fed. They don't work well when tired and hungry. Also they won't work well under pressure. So be careful.
Those are some of the many powers of a potato. I suggest you be careful. Potatoes are very sneaky and they could be pulling an Edward Cullen and watching you sleep. (In case you don't know what pulling an Edward Cullen is, it's when you are a sparkly being and you creep into people's houses and watch them sleep. Potatoes do this but they don't sparkle unless they apply the body mist.)
We are sorry we couldn't keep our mouths shut. We tried, we really did. But we couldn't keep it in any longer. Don't treat the potatoes any differently or else they'll know we told you. We weren't suppose to tell anyone. If you get in trouble with the potatoes we are so sorry.
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