Thursday, 18 April 2013

Cloudy With A Chance of Poil

If you are here in Potatoworld please expect the rest of the week to be fairly cloudy and please prepare your under underground shelter because you can surely expect some poil (potato hail). We all know that when the weather has mood swings and is continually changing from a sunny morning to a stormy afternoon, many potatoes go insane. Potatoes going insane is a bad, bad thing (despite the fact that it's really funny) because potatoes sometimes get a weird urge to launch themselves up to outer space and they stay there for a few hours until they all come charging back down, causing a poil. This means that random potatoes will be attacked and injured, so we suggest that all you potatoes go to your under underground shelters for the rest of the week when the weather is still strange so that you will stay safe and so that you will not be needing a burial (which isn't like a human burial, just in case you other creatures who read this don't know) any time soon.We potatoes prefer consistent weather that is not out of pattern so any slight changes will cause poil, so we apologize because it is quite hard to control ourselves- the only way to kind of contain ourselves from causing poil is by going to under underground shelters so that we will not really be affected by the weather but since we don't have a way of finding out the future weather (unless we are one of the higher classed potatoes who can do things like check the internet like you are now or unless we were born gifted and are psychic) it is hard to prepare and avoid going insane.

Also expect cooler winds going at the speed of 40km/h and occasional flower petal showers.

...and that concludes our weather report! Stay tuned for more details!

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