Friday, 28 June 2013

Life Changing Answers

Okay, maybe that's exaggerated. It's just one answer. But it's a very special answer because it is the answer to the question from the very special Leo, a fan of our blob!! 

So his question was: Why did you decide to make a blog about potatoes? 

The answer to that is....*cue dramatic music* 

We really wanted to socialize with other people around the world and we thought that making a blog is a great way to do that. We wanted it to be different and the first thing that came to mind was potatoes. At first we were just joking about starting a blog about potatoes but then we thought about it and realized that it would be great since most don't really take in the worth of potatoes. So much potatoes are being used everyday and yet they are seen as nothing but lazy, ugly, and fattening vegetables. We, of course, know that this is not true and we have shared their benefits, uses, and what we think their value is, through our blobs. Potatoes contribute a great deal to many societies and we felt that we should raise awareness for this.

Thank you so much Leo for asking us a question, it means a lot! If any of you would also like to ask us questions feel free to do so via Blogger, Twitter(@cambrielapotato), or our email ( We promise we don't bite :) 

Friday, 21 June 2013


Did we scare you? No? Okay good. It's not the end of the blog, world or our lives. No it's just the end of school. We are so happy that we managed to be released from this prison they call school, that we posted earlier! 
Seeing as this post has to be related to potatoes somehow (by demand of King Poh-Tah-Toh) we are very pleased to announce that the world of potatoes are free from school today as they start to prepare for their awkward stages. Parents are advised to keep watch of their children and will receive time off work of their child shows early signs of development. 
That's all for the King's announcement. Now onto how potatoes spend their summer. They'll most likely be preparing for their awkward stages of development to start. We half potatoes on the other hand, get to party and hang out with humans and other beings all summer long. This is so exciting. 
We have a lot of plans to go through. Hopefully summer is long enough and we can go through all of them. 

Until next time! ENJOY YOUR FREEDOM FROM SCHOOL! aka prison

Saturday, 15 June 2013

I love the guy who invented potalevisions

So as you may have heard, we were watching on the new potalevision. You may be wondering what a potalevision is, so if you are, then you should know that it is our version of a television. 

We have a friend who sells potalevisions and yesterday a new potalevision was delivered to the store so we decided to check it out. It was great! It had SOOOO MANY channels and when watching it seems like the characters are right there in front  of you (it's quite hard to describe it but don't think of a 3D t.v. because it's better than that) ! 

What I just said sounds bad doesn't it? Now it sounds like we're complete "couch potatoes". But, we're really not. Promise. We were just so amazed at its greatness that we had to spend the day watching on it. We don't spend most of our time doing this. Please don't criticize us or any other potato because everyone needs a lazy day once in a while. Don't judge others based on one happening. It's those judgements that causes hate; for example, many believe that potatoes are fat and useless because they are thought to be sitting in front of a potalevision nonstop. I don't even know anyone like that (and believe when I say that I know A LOT of potatoes)!!!

Anyway, I should be going. I need to find something to make money off of so that I can buy my dream potalevision! Bye!

Friday, 7 June 2013


Hey Hey!! Hope you didn't miss us too much. We are back and ready to party!! Summer time is coming and potatoes are getting ready for the heat. 
Around this time humans are ending school and writing/preparing for exams. We have to do that too since we are part human. However since we are also part potato we can't wait for the summer.  
For potatoes summer time is almost like puberty season. It is the time they grow quickly and keep moistured. It's an awkward time for them. Growing up is hard for a potato. This is all because as the potatoes get over their awkward stage they have a few weeks to live freely before being captured by the humans. It's a tough life. But they enjoy the time they have.
Some awkward phases that potatoes go through are: a change in size, a change in colour, and the growth of roots. A change in size is a very awkward thing to be going through because at one point they're too big to play games with little potatoes such as hide and seek and roll around in the dirt, but at the same time they're too small to do grown up potato things like working out and going on dates with tomatoes. A change in colour is also very awkward because they seem to look sick since they aren't as green as the younger potatoes or as white as the older potatoes. Lastly, the growth of their roots is very awkward because they don't look pure and innocent like the young potatoes nor do they look mighty like the older potatoes with the full grown roots. These awkward stages in a potatoes life makes potatoes very sad, especially when others make fun of them for it, but hey, at least in the end they'll look delicious...umm we mean...beautiful... 
Summer for us (Camille and Gabriela) is like humans. We do go through an awkward stage in our lives but earlier in our life. In the summer we tend to hang out with some friends or we live in our basements. It's a lot cooler there so we like to hang out there too. You see we aren't too much like potatoes. 
Until next friday! BYEEE!!!

Monday, 3 June 2013


No we aren't talking about the shampoo. The word is just fun to say.
We discovered something. You ready to hear our greatest discovery? You sure? Well, how do we put this... WE CAN POST GIFS!! You don't understand how excited we are. Here's a dancing potato to brighten your day. He's quite fancy too.**

We would like to apologize for being so late. You see exams are coming up and we are getting quite busy. Don't worry, soon we will be posting on time. Anyway onto the actual post.

............................... Sorry we got entertained by the dancing potato. He's really good. (Better than us).

Let's make it a dance party in here. When potatoes party, they party HARD! They have colourful lights, loud music and so much food they almost explode. Of course no human or animal can hear this cause it all happens underground. The potatoes tend to be very secretive about their parties. However, we were lucky enough to get invited to one and get permission to talk about it a little bit. Okay here's how crazy the party was. Take this...

multiply by 9999999999999999999 and that's how crazy it was. It was pretty intense. Next time we will try to sneak some of you in.

Until next blob (this friday), ADIOS!!