We discovered something. You ready to hear our greatest discovery? You sure? Well, how do we put this... WE CAN POST GIFS!! You don't understand how excited we are. Here's a dancing potato to brighten your day. He's quite fancy too.**
We would like to apologize for being so late. You see exams are coming up and we are getting quite busy. Don't worry, soon we will be posting on time. Anyway onto the actual post.
............................... Sorry we got entertained by the dancing potato. He's really good. (Better than us).
Let's make it a dance party in here. When potatoes party, they party HARD! They have colourful lights, loud music and so much food they almost explode. Of course no human or animal can hear this cause it all happens underground. The potatoes tend to be very secretive about their parties. However, we were lucky enough to get invited to one and get permission to talk about it a little bit. Okay here's how crazy the party was. Take this...
multiply by 9999999999999999999 and that's how crazy it was. It was pretty intense. Next time we will try to sneak some of you in.
Until next blob (this friday), ADIOS!!
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