"When I was a young potato I sneaked into a hot tub to show off to my friends that I can do something adults can. At first it was great and I became some great leader that my friends followed. They even followed me to the hot tub. We all pretended that we were being cooked in a soup. That was a bad idea because a human saw us and thought that her son was being lazy and tried to cook us there instead of going through a long procedure in the kitchen. The human did not approve of this so she took us to the kitchen to cook us. That was when we realized that the hot tub must have been broken or it's only called a hot tub to initimidate many because it wasn't really hot especially when you compare it to the pot in the kitchen. We weren't even in the pot yet but we could already feel the heat. Luckily, the human was called for an emergency meeting so we were able to escape. We were young and reckless back then so we went back to the hot tub for a bit even though there was the danger of being captured again. As for the dangers the hot tub brings to our health, I don't think there are any since we look like healthy potatoes."
- Bop Botato
"Going to a hot tub is the reason why Iook older than those my age. When I was younger I hated how I looked more like my baby sister than those my age so I went to a hot tub to mature a bit. It took a few hours but it worked and I loved it! I ended up looking a bit more mature than those my age and this made those potatoes who made fun of me envy me! However, now that I'm older, I regret it because I now wish I looked younger but unfortunately there's nothing that helps with that. I definitely suggest that you all think about this before going in a hot tub"
- P. Otato
"One time for Halloween I wanted to be the scariest potato out there so I decided that I would be a witch. I realized that I didn't look too scary since I didn't look old enough to be like those witches you see in movies. This made me go try out the hot tub a few blocks away so that I would get wrinkly. After many hours it worked! I finally looked scary enough or Halloween! I got a good laugh after scaring so many children. Unfortunately, the wrinkles do not wear off so I'm now known as the local witch that everyone avoids. Always think things through because you might just end up like me."
- Ms. Patatolatogous
So based on these responses we can conclude that a short period of time in a hot tub won't really affect potatoes but it is better to stay away from them because if you lose track of time you might just regret it.
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