Friday, 7 February 2014

What if...

...potatoes ruled the world? 

We have many, many theories regarding this question so we'll share some with you!

We believe that if potatoes ruled the world they would turn the world into a giant version of the little world they are used to. They would cover everything in dirt so it's like the equivalent of our mansion. There would be lots and lots of brown because that colour helps keep potatoes happy since that's what they're used to seeing everyday. Potatoes would also ban the use of any potato products. This would really help potatoes because they would no longer fear the world. Since they are no longer scared then they can be more productive and will be able to freely express themselves. Potato rights would be recognized. The potato activities would happen on a large scale like the Olympics. It would be easier for potatoes to meet other potatoes from around the world because it would be easier to travel wherever. Many would also recognize that there are many different types of potatoes and they all have different essentials and so they would be treated better. 

We think that it's also possible for potatoes to get rid of many buildings and replace them with farms. If you think about it, this isn't necessarily a bad thing since more farms means more plants which means a better environment and an overall healthier planet. The buildings that potatoes will decide to keep instead turning into farms will be the ones that they think is useful and you can be sure that potatoes have good judgement and will decide to keep what is important for comfortable and reasonable living. 

We also think that if the world goes in the wrong potato's hands (or rather...roots..?), then it could mean our extinction. There is a possibility that they will treat us the way we treat them. They might decide to use us for art projects or meals or even games. They might carelessly handle us before mashing us. This is why we should be respectful towards them even though we are going to use them in an undesirable way for our benefit. 

If potatoes ruled the world, there is also the possibility of having more halflings like us! This is so exciting because halflings show that it is very possible for potatoes and humans to coexist peacefully and happily. If there were more halflings then it would be easier for their voices to be heard and their ideas acted upon,
as there is strength in numbers. It would be easier to accept those that are different.

So what do you think? What if potatoes ruled the world? Let us know by connecting with us through email or twitter! 

Reminders for the week:

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