So as you fellow beings know, there are many parallels to the life of humans and the life of potatoes. We know you already know a bunch so here's another one to add to the list: Sleeping Habits
Like humans, not all potatoes sleep the same way although there many recommendations to allow for optimal health. Potatoes that are sleep experts, many having a background as a couch potato, believe that the sleep needed depends on the type of potato you are. Here are the sleeping guidelines from a potato sleep expert:
Baby Potatoes..........................................24 hours/day
Potatoes at that young awkward age........12 hours/day
Teenage Potatoes.....................................15 hours/day
Young Adult Potatoes...............................11 hours/day
Middle Aged Potatoes................................12 hours/day
Oh Great Elder Potatoes............................13.5 hours/day
These are recommendations so that potatoes stay healthy. Of course, eating properly and doing enough physical and mental activities also help a lot. The amount of sleep needed may vary depending on the needs of the potatoes; these are just general guidelines.
Sleep well everyone!
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