Friday, 29 November 2013

cold Movember day

What's cookin' good lookin'? Hopefully potatoes. ;)

As November is coming to an end we decided that we should mention...
1) how bloody cold it is
2) it's almost Christmas (look out for the Christmas special)
3) Movember
4) how much we love you

Let's begin this shall we...

Because we live in Canada it is absolutely freezing here. We know for a fact it will be colder with the coming days. However it got cold fast! But we got snow so it's okay. If it's cold and there is snow it is more tolerable. The down side is that there is very little snow and it's cold. Oh well that's Canada for you.

Christmas is like a month away! We can't wait. We are super-duper excited! Potatoes celebrate Christmas too, doesn't matter where they are. Potatoes celebrate everything, even if they aren't a part of it. They just love to party. We plan on making a Christmas special for all of you lovely people out there. Be on the look out.

Movember. We think this might be just a Canadian thing, but we could be wrong. Have any of you ever heard of Movember? Yes? No? Well Movember is the month of November. But it's not just a month any more. It is a month to raise money for prostate cancer. This is to show awareness for the cancer. Men (and boys) are encouraged to grow a mustache and aren't allowed to shave until the end of the month. There is a huge campaign that goes with this. If you want to read more there will be a link at the bottom.

 Now you may be wondering why we would mention this on a blog all about potatoes. Well here's why. Have you seen photos of potatoes with mustaches? Yes? No? Well potatoes are aware of the things that happen in the human world. (They should be if they want to survive for a long time and want to make the most of life.) Anyways they also grow mustaches (they try anyways) to help raise awareness for mold research. They have many potatoes passing away due to mold and there is no cure. Potatoes have taken the human event and made it more suitable for themselves.

We love you all whether you are a potato, carrot, tomato, dog, cat, human, alien or anything in between. We see that there are page views and we strive to make entertaining blobs for you! WE LOVE YOU!!

Hopefully you are in a place that's warm if not, we HIGHLY suggest going under many blankets, with a cup of hot chocolate, tea or coffee and with a book, laptop or phone to keep you entertained.

Keep warm potatoes!! See you next week!!

Link for the Movember page:

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