Before we begin you are probably wondering what potsa is. Well its quiet simple. Potsa is the potato version on pasta. For potatoes it is made out of fertilizer.
Potsa friesday just means we need to have potsa and fries as one of our meals. No our fries are not made from potatoes...thats cannibolism and is frowned upon here. Theres some potatoes that take the days religiously so they would on eat potsa and fries that day.
Each day has its own food(s).
Fersoupday (fertilizer soup sunday)
Mudday (mud food monday)
Tootsday (almost like tater tots but not)
Waternesday (lots of water)
Exerusday (day of exercising)
Posta friesday
Sausturday (all about sauses)
Each potato celebrates these days at least two weeks a month. Its the law to uphold this tradition for a minimum of two weeks a month. Some will go everyday some just the bare minimum. It all depends on the potato.
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