Sunday 8 June 2014

what will potatoes be like in 100 years?

So you've all heard of the evolutionary theory right? Like the one by Charles Darwin? Anyway, we've been thinking...Do potatoes evolve over time just like what some people believe about humans? Do the potatoes right now look like how they once did 100 years ago? Will potatoes still look the same in 100 years? Will their taste change? Hopefully they don't because potatoes are perfect the way they are right now. They can't get any better...right? Well, it's not bad if they can get better, we would just be sad that the potato half of us isn't the best type of potato that there is. It's okay as long as potatoes do not get worse. We don't want anyone to be ashamed of potatoes ever. Hopefully there will still be a great variety of them and all will be equally lovable.

We found a picture of something that might help us answer all these potato questions. We need to find it first though.

We hope that this gets you thinking about potatoes because we can't stop thinking about potatoes and it's nice to question things every now and then.

We are extremely sorry for forgetting to post so often. It's just that we've been busy, busy potatoes.

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